Monday, November 16, 2009

cigarettes and scotch

I'm slowly getting back into the music scene... and I'm liking it. I've got a show coming up on friday, and as the wise and inspiring Michael Bublé once said, "you're only as good as your last show". No nerves, no worries, just confidence... and maybe a cigarette and some scotch, although i don't smoke, nor do i really drink scotch. I'm pretty sure that's the key to success, so maybe i'll start one of the two.

(people are paying to be there... entertain them)

honesty will prevail that night

Monday, September 28, 2009

"that's why God exists"

I just had one of those freaky moments when nature decides to hand you a little treat where the course of events has a remarkable connection without apparent reasoning, I suppose you would call it a coincidence. I wonder what the actual odds of this happening naturally actually are?

Here's the scenario, nothing too crazy, just damn cool! I'm sitting here working on an assigment (at the previously stated coffee spot) and I have my iTunes on shuffle, I haven't touched my computer in about 30 mins, Sic Transit Gloria by Brand New is playing, I decide to open facebook on my iPhone and a girls status shows up with the lyrics "it use to be the reason that I breathed but now it's choking me up", and no word of lie, the song was at that exact same part as I read her status. Chills galore ensued, clearly! Especially considering facebooks "news feed" is continuously being updated, so if I were to open it up a minute later, chances are her status would be pushed down out of sight. In addition, the fact that I currently have 2784 other songs that could have been playing.

I'm not saying this is "divine intervention" or anything, but it definitely would be one of those moments when Nathan and I would agree on "that's why God exists".

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where do you go?

Where do you escape to? Where do you go to find that "inner peace" we hear about? Me I frequent a smaller coffee shop, it's not as trendy as the ones in town, it's rare you see someone under the age of 45, but it happens from time to time. Why here than? I guess because it's comfortable, it holds the memories that I always want to hold onto. I suppose I come here in hopes of falling into a nostalgic state, when life was simpler even though everything that happened felt like it held the fate of the world in it's hands (and in a way, it did). Simpler times. How many times would this booth tell me I was in the wrong, or that my heart was in the right place. Now that I think about it, when's the last time I came here to talk? These days I come here to study, probably because during that brief period when I flip the page a new (but old) memory sits across from me. Heartache, laughter, fear, love, innocents, government conspiracies, religion, her, him, why, lyrics, tattoos, currie, movies, quotes, drugs, life, death, sex, gossip, selfishness, raw emotion, falling hard.

I love this place, this is where I escape to. Some of you might know where I'm at as I'm writing this, most won't. To anyone who has ever sat here with me, thank you. Simpler times.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

where oh where to begin


I should warn you, there will be no consistency in these words, these thoughts. I've been meaning to start a blog for a while now, hell I even downloaded an app for my iPhone over a month ago to keep my non-existent blog up to date. So here I am world, have at me as you will.

Today marks the day that I received a quote unquote (wait... i suppose i don't need to type that...just keep moving on) "real job". I am officially an assistant! Woo hoo! Remember that day at Gahan (Mark) when we were talking about getting me a real job? The time has come! I'm working in the Communications Division at DVA! It's only until January, but it's a foot in the door!

- i live on an island. i see the same people everyday. one day this will change. one day i'll miss it -